Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Lies that Keep on Killing

For those of you who were introduced to Dr. Del Tackett during a Truth Project and are not on a subscription list for TTP newsletter, you may wonder what he has been up to. I found out a couple months ago that he hosts a television broadcast for Coral Ridge Ministries. (Remember James Kennedy?) Its called Cross Examine. Its Web site is CrossExamine.com.

Tackett is still very active in world view studies and teaching. He remains the face of The Truth Project, but he has found this additional channel to champion Truth through a Biblical world view. I happened to catch one program several weeks ago, and was reminded of his pursuits through today's newsletter.

In the newsletter, he writes about completing production of this week's program. The topic of the show is "For the Health of the Mother." The title of the newsletter article and blog post is "Abortion: The Lie That Keeps on Hurting."

This is not a new topic for Dr. Tackett. In one TTP tour, Tackett brings home the travesties of abortion as a result of believing the lies of the world. Remember, he said something like "... do you think that God cannot hear the cries of all those children who are ripped from their mothers' wombs ...?" Whoa.Of course He does.

I just finished watching the 28 minute presentation. I encourage you to do the same. I've yet to see the horrors of abortion as vividly depicted as they are here, in such a short sequence. It is dramatic and heart-wrenching. It hit me especially hard this week after seeing the miracle of birth of my son's first child. It may smack you in a similar way.

I know women who have had abortions. All of us probably do. I wasn't aware of the extent of the gruesome, on-going pain caused by their decisions.We need to pray for them and encourage grace-saving recovery. We need also to pray for others who might be approaching the same pit. It's one they really do not want to fall into.

One million per year in the U.S.! That's a lot to pray for. May God have mercy on us.

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1 comment:

  1. Also there are lies that keep on killing us spiritually. For example, it is ok to keep on sinning because Jesus died for our sins because our Father knows were are sinners and will continue to sin. Wait, part of this statement is true and what part is the lie?

    The leading premise that "it is ok" is the lie because sin leads to death spiritually (separates us from our Father). Hence, abortion is a sin that has consequences beyond the life of the unborn, but to the woman as well spiritually.

    Sin has consequences beyond the one who sins. Did Eve's sin have consequences beyond herself? Hence, Genesis and the rest of the Bible unfolds a story of restoration of man to his Creator. The sin of one affecting all.

    I am not saying we have the power to stop sinning. However, we can recognize our errors, repent and ask for forgiveness. Please forgive me for the following presumption, that despite God's Grace through Jesus Christ, unless one truly repents and asks for forgiveness, the continued assurance of one's salvation perhaps can be questioned.

    We must ask ourselves, whether we are captive to a lie that risks killing us spiritually forever and our ultimate salvation. Live long and prosper in the Word.
