Sunday, March 21, 2010


Hi Brothers,

Another candle is lit in heaven,and this world a little dimmer. Our dearest brother, Kevin Walker, the worship pastor at Tri-Lakes Chapel, who has been on our brother Joe's prayer list passed yesterday evening at home with family and friend(s).

Please pray for his wife, kids and family.

God Bless,


Thursday, March 11, 2010

"Show Me..."

I thought that I would share this from the daily devotional "Drawing Near" by John MacArthur, March 11. John is teaching on the prayer of Daniel (Ch 9), but his message today is so appropriate to our study in 1 Peter. He writes...

"Someone once said, 'Show me your redeemed life and I might believe in you Redeemer.' That's a fair request! As Christians, we are Christ's ambassadors to a dying world. With His Spirit in our hearts and His Word in our hands, we are to speak His truth in love and live a life that lends credibility to what we say.

"When we fail to do that, we dishonor God and provide ammmunition for those who seek to discredit His work. That was certainly true of Israel. They were God's chosen people, and yet His name was blasphemed among the Gentiles because of Israel's unbelief and disobedience (Rom 2:24)."

/ JF 03.11.10