Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I feel like a bit player in a greek tragedy where I am caught in a fate beyond my comprehension or understanding. Thank the Lord for the Truth, and the Word, which reveals a drama, that began long before my existence, and has a definite ending.

That said, I heard from certain brothers and sisters in Christ, that we should flee evil. Ok, that sounds like sound advice, but practically, we live in a fallen world, and to simply believe that we are commanded to run or flee from evil would suggest that we would have to physically leave this world (1Cor 5:10) to avoid evil. Hey, by our own omission that we are all sinners, and will continue to sin, makes our continued relationship as brothers and sisters in Christ questionable (i.e., I should avoid you because you are a sinner)!

My limited search and understanding of Scripture, has not validated the simple act of fleeing evil or sinners is what we are commanded to do. Rather, my current view is that Scripture (1Thes 5:22, 2Tim 2:22, 1Tim 6:11) suggest we should avoid our personal conduct of evil practices rather than a simple act of association. That said, since we are sinners and weak, we would be unwise to subject ourselves to a sinful environment, where likely we would be enticed to conduct sinful practices or give in to our evil desires. Everyone has been blessed with certain or unique strengths, which suggests that some of us may be able to resist sin more times than not then others.

Hopefully, this is not just godless chatter associated with quarreling about words (2Tim 2:14-19), but I need your prayers with 1Cor 5:11 which states: "But now I am writing you that must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolater or a slanderer, a drunkard or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat." As brothers and sisters in Christ, we are tasked to police our church, which could be for the purpose of avoiding any perversion in the application of the Word in the day to day conduct of our lives. Hence, what are guidelines to say how we should judge and expel anyone since we ourselves are not without sin?

Well, here is my problem. The devil knows scripture better than any of us. Hence, I have little hope to win an argument or quarrel with Satan based on scripture based on my fallen world background. Plus, Satan will always play the sinner card, where beyond guilt, maybe some day someone could judge me and say that I should be expel. Hence, what is the threshold for declaring a brother or sister in Christ immoral or wicked? It seems to me the history of Christianity has too many examples of witch hunts, which unfortunately reflects how the church can be perverted from within in name of God.

Of course, it would be easy say that I should turn this over to the Spirit, which perhaps, the reason for this blog posting with hope the Spirit will speak through one of the readers. I ask for continued prayers.


  1. Judging a fellow christian is not a stance we should take. We can judge actions as sin but even then we must be very careful since we may not know all the facts. You will never go wrong if you approach a chistian brother or sister with true love for them rather than condemnation.

  2. Well said, Carl!

    The only exception that I see is what Jesus tells us in Matthew 18:15-17, where He details a procedure to follow that is based on an identifiable transgression. The resulting judgment and estrangement are not made by an individual, but a higher authority. The process is also "established by testimony" of witnesses — in other words, facts, not simply charges.

    Even then, we are to treat a judged person as a "pagan or tax collector."

    Gee, does that make him or her an enemy? And, are we not to love our enemies? If that person felt love in the beginning, perhaps there might not have been a sin in the first place. Ah, the conundra of life!

  3. Sounds like dancing on a slippery slope at best!

    I will take your kind words to heart as being Spirit based. Thanks brothers for your love and understanding, which this sinner does not deserve but by His grace.

  4. 6 Month Update - My ego and arrogance blinded me from not fleeing evil and clinging on what is good. I did not cling on is good (respect my wife's opinion)and chose to support an immoral brother (evil)in hope that the light would lead him to repent. Bad choice in hindsight, in that it only empowered the demon in the immoral brother to further pervert the usage of scripture to justify his sins. I lost to evil (no repentance from the immoral brother) and dis-respected and put at risk my relationship with my wife (what is good). The only thanks I got from the immoral brother was being accused of not being a loving christian. Well folks, Satan is hard at work on divide and conquer. Lesson learned: run; don't just walk.
