Friday, November 27, 2009


Our study of James has given me a different perspective on what we believe as a society.

Following Thanksgiving, an another opportunity to give thanks to GOD for our blessings, which obviously we could do every day, I am a little taken back on the brazen attack by commercialism. Not trying to be judgmental, but face it brothers, the underlying message I am hearing is that our economy (i.e., retail sector) again is at the mercy of consumers. Indeed, James may agree that it is a "black" Friday in the context of being evil or Satan based. Although believers, this is a stark reminder that we are still "duel" minded, where we aspire to be spiritual, but still live in a physical world, tainted with original sin since creation. Sad to say, I am not above it as I ponder how to spoil the grand kids for Christmas.

Past holidays, I confess I tried to offset my consumerism with token donations (i.e., a goat, or portable water treatment in the names of our grand kids) more so out of guilt, but no fault to them, it would be very unlikely, that they would be able to recall those small mercies given in their same.

Bottom line, pray for me and ourselves for that matter, that we can survive this holiday with some spiritual integrity still intact, and not to take repentance for granted.

Love you all in Christ.

1 comment:

  1. You got that right, rxt! Thank God that we stand in his grace.
