You all know how much I respect John MacArthur. In fact, my respect for him is just about as much as everyone else's in our small group.
Yet, this morning, in completing our study of Fool's Gold, I had the audacity to claim that there weren't 7, but 9, steps in a plan to achieve personal discernment. Well, you saw how mine were counted.
Now I'd like to add to that list of 7, not out of belligerence or one-upsmanship, but out of personal reflection. Some may be related; some not.
See if you discern to agree. Or, see if you want to add. Feel free to do so. That's what our blog is all about.
Ways to Build and Nurture Discernment
You have to want it.
You need to seek wisdom from God.
You need to pray for wisdom because, as Proverbs 1:7 states, "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction."
You need to prepare and guard your heart; don't let it deceive you because "The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick..." (Jer 17:9)
It helps greatly to humble your Self. As Paul states in Timothy 2:15-17, "Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and idle babblings, for they will increase to more ungodliness. And their message will spread like cancer..." Doesn't that sound a little like the sacrifice called for im Romans 12:1? (But, boy! wouldn't it be great to sense approval and actually feel the confidence in being a co-worker?)
Depend on the Holy Spirit. "Self" cannot do this alone; it, by itself, is powerless to do anything. Not so, with the Holy Spirt, who is so empowering.
Study, learn and know Scripture.
Love God's Word. Elevate it to the high place in your life as the source of all truth and wisdom.
Obey God's Word.
Love always. (This is easy to forget.)
Sift and test.
Nuture and correct. Put this discernment thing into action.
Follow discerning leaders.
Grow in this wisdom and discernment. Well, that's 14. Not 9. Not 7. Any others???
BTW, the link to The Truth Project that I mentioned this a.m. is:
If you have registered under the new site, just login and go to "Tours" for the new video excerpts.
If you haven't registered—ever, you might just be forced to sign up as a participant. That's easy. Just find my group and register. It won't hurt. I don't bite. Look for, or by zip of 80918.
What? Put it into action? Good thought! I appreciate the reminder about love as well. Reminds me of Tim Challies' list of "the Dangers of Discernment." Perhaps I will post a few of those.