Friday, December 24, 2010

A Simple Christmas Wish

I've posted some fairly personal things on this blog since we started it. Maybe, too personal. But, after all, that's partially what a blog is for.

I want to wish all of you a Merry Christmas, and I would like to share something even more personal than the stuff in the past. Maybe a few of you would like to do the same. Don't be ashamed; we're not supposed to be. And, sharing is another reason for this blog.

Here's my prayer journal entry for today ...

Lord ...

... how did it get to be Christmas already? It seems like it should be 12 months ago, not now. I truly haven't sensed the "spirit of Christmas" until just a few hours ago. I am sorry. Perhaps it is because of all the commercial pollution. Maybe it was just busyness and selfishness. I should know better. Please Oh Holy Spirit of Christ, help me to show my love to others and to demonstrate Your love through my actions and words. Father, please fill me; please fill me with The Spirit; please let me be different from so many others of the world and demonstrate the true power of your love that wants to overflow from my heart. Jesus, I am thirsty; so thirsty for You. I come to You today seeking the water that only You provide. Let me be a river of living water, too. I've come to You because You called and because You loved me. True, I chose to answer... finally. What choice did I have once the proposition of faith, trust and obedience to You was presented in the way that it was, at the time that it was? Thank You, and thank You for the man whom You sent. Through him, You made me see a glimmer of Your light. Since then, Your light has become everything that matters, and I owe You everything. I owe You me, and I am indebted to You forever. Oh my Lord, Oh my God, how I love Thee. Your birth, Your life, Your teaching, Your revelation, Your truth, Your suffering and death for my sins, Your resurrection and ascension are the greatest blessings in the entire span of man. I know this now. It's so awfully sorrowful that so many people reject these truths, even as I did. Thank You, my Master, my Lord, my God. Merry Christmas to You, Jesus. Merry Christ Mas. Today, we honor Your birth as a man. Today we cherish Your first coming, Your coming to our level, Your coming to save us from death, from ... ourselves. Today and tomorrow, we hold You closely within our hearts and worship You and the One who sent You. We truly do. Help all of us, all who are in the family of God — and those You want to be, to keep close to You in the hours, days, months and years to come. Please help us to do that for Your honor and for Your glory.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Cuckoo for Coco Puffs?"

Francis Chan's New Mission

Here is a video interview with Francis Chan that Ted found on the Net and passed over to me. It was produced about 4 months ago.

But, if you might be interested in the whats, the whys, and the wherefores, give a look and listen. / JF

What's Next for Francis Chan? A Conversation with Mark Driscoll and Joshua Harris from Ben Peays on Vimeo.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Yet Another Poignant Reminder

Today's e-mail message from Jack Graham, Power Point Ministries, is yet one more poignant reminder of the need for and power from our walk in the Spirit. See if you agree..

How the Holy Spirit can show himself through you, December 10, 2010

"On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, 'Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.''" John 7:37-38

"I spoke with a man awhile back who had been on several mission trips to Latin America. He was telling me that in the summer, the heat and humidity can be almost unbearable in some areas. But the rivers are almost ice cold year-round because they come from melted snow in the mountains. So the people in these countries jump in the cold rivers for relief from the severe summer heat!

"Now isn't that just like the Holy Spirit? When we believe in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of our sins, the Spirit of God comes and dwells in us. And because of that, rivers of living water flow out of us that are remarkably different than the world around us.

"And that's really what it means to live a spiritual life! The Christian who lives spiritually will say and do things that are so different from the dying world around him that people will notice. God's Spirit allows us to breathe refreshing life into a harsh world!

"So instead of conforming to the world, live a life that is characteristic of the Holy Spirit inside of you. And your thoughts and deeds will be like a cool stream in a dying world.


You can find the author at, and or in Dallas, if you care to drive there.

/ JF